Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sink or Swim?

Imagine this scenario: A couple is blessed with a wonderful baby boy. They live near the ocean, so as their son grows up they or their friends bring up the subject of swimming now and then. The parents make the decision that they will not teach their son to swim, and they will not let anyone else teach him. Their friends cannot understand their position, so the parents calmly but firmly explain each time the topic is brought up that they do not want to make such an important decision for their child. They decide to leave it up to their son. If he shows an interest in swimming, they will take him for lessons. If he decides to wait until he is grown to make that decision, they are also fine with that. They believe they cannot make that decision for their son.

Silly you say? Well of course it is. No rational parent, especially one living near a large body of water, would let a child make such an important decision on his own, as it could lead to disaster.

However, many parents say they are leaving an even more important decision to their children. Many parents feel that they should not try to influence their children about religion. They say that they are leaving it for their children to decide for themselves when they are adults. There are two huge flaws in that thinking. The first is that children need guidance in many areas, and that is one of them. Proverbs 22:6 says it best: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (KJV). Our moral values are set at a young age. So expecting a child to grow up without that training, and then to make a decision, is not fair to the child.

The second flaw in that reasoning is that children learn from example. Therefore, whether you intend to or not, you are already teaching your child about religion and moral values. By ignoring the issue, you are teaching your children that it is not important.

So, understand that you are "training up your child." Although I have my beliefs, I am not telling anyone how to train their child. Just understand that you cannot passively stand by and let your child flounder when it comes to faith. Give your child guidance. This does not mean that you are not letting the child think for himself or herself. But if you believe in your values, teach them to your child. Listen and honestly answer any questions your child has. If you do not have an answer that will satisfy his or her need to know, find someone who does.

Don't just stand by and let your child sink.

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