Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Personal Prayer Goals for the Remainder of 2009

I pray every day, and I pray for a lot of people. I decided the other day to pick three of the things I pray for every day and list them as my personal prayer goals for the end of this year. I called them my personal prayer goals even though they include James, as we are married and are "one," so we are both affected by the outcome.

By December 31, 2009, I pray that these three things will come to fruition:

1. James will get a great job, doing something he loves. A job that will pay good money, but more importantly will be good for him and will utilize his many talents. Also that I will move forward with my jewelry-making and sewing and that they will sell well on eBay.

2. We will be financially secure.

3. We will get to meet our newest grandson Thomas, and that we will get to spend some good time with the rest of the family.

I don't really know why I felt led to write them down like that, as I pray for those things every day anyway, but I just felt I needed to separate them from the other things I pray for. I keep a Bible study journal, and I have a list of those I am praying for in the front. So I just wrote these down on another page, to focus on when I am done praying for everyone else.

Ooooh, it is raining now! Thank you Jesus!

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