Friday, April 10, 2009

Stupid Dog? I Think Not!

A story my mom told me years ago came to mind tonight. It is a true story about a dog her dad owned.

My mom's family lived on a farm just out of Elgin, Illinois, but I believe this happened before my mom was born. One day my grandfather drove the family into town. While they were gone, a neighbor came over and decided to help himself to my grandfather's grain. He started loading the sacks of grain into his truck. The whole time he was loading the grain, my grandfather's dog sat and watched him. I'm sure the neighbor laughed to himself about what a stupid dog it was. Just as he was loading the last of the grain, the dog jumped into the driver's seat of the neighbor's truck. The dog sat there and refused to let the neighbor into his truck until my grandfather returned home!

Stupid? Not that dog! He could have chased the neighbor away, but he would have just returned another time. By preventing the thief from getting into his truck, the dog allowed my grandfather to know what his neighbor was up to.

I'll bet that dog got a special treat that day!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! Reminds me of a gas station near where I grew up. It was one of the "old fashioned" kind that had a garage where they fixed cars. The owner had a shepherd that lived at the station. Someone tried to break in one night and the dog was "nowhere in site" while the guy collected parts and tools. When he was ready to leave he went towards the door and all of a sudden saw this large shepherd staring at him. Like your Grandfather's thief, this one was still there in the morning, shaking in his boots.

    Wonderful story about how animals often know better than us!
