Friday, April 24, 2009

As "They" Say, It's a Small World

A few years ago I was flying home from California and was rerouted through Chicago because of tornadoes. My plane was late to O'Hare, so I "ran" (I can't run anymore!) all the way to the other side of the airport (of course) to get my flight to Charlotte, North Carolina. I got there just as they shut the door.

After I caught my breath I went to get my ticket changed. There were many people in the line, as we had all missed our planes for the same reason. When I was next in line, I heard the man in front of me telling the woman behind the counter his story. He was in the military, and he was going to be in trouble for missing his flight to Korea. He said they wouldn't care that the weather was to blame. It was his responsibility to get back on time. I felt really bad for him. He got his new ticket, and I never saw him again.

I got my new ticket, and I flew back to Charlotte. James picked me up at the airport. We were hungry, so on the way home we stopped at McDonald's in Monroe. While waiting our turn, I started telling James about my experiences at O'Hare. The guy behind the counter heard me telling James about hurrying to catch my plane and missing it. He suddenly said, "If you think that's bad, you should hear what happened to my brother." He then went on to tell us how his brother was in the military, and that at O'Hare, he missed his plane to Korea and was going to be in trouble with his commanding officer.

The odds of my standing behind a man in Chicago, then meeting the brother of that same man over a thousand miles away have to be tremendous! It would have been unusual if the man and I were both flying to Charlotte, but the fact that he was flying to Korea and I was flying to Charlotte has to make the odds almost impossible. I just love how things work out sometimes! As "they" say, it is a small world.


  1. Reading this story for the same time brought even more wonderful shivers down my spine. This is amazing!

  2. I love hearing stories like this. Thank you for sharing it.
